返校节是电子游戏软件庆祝精神、使命和传统的活动.  Throughout the week of events and activities, students, faculty, 教职员工和校友积极参与培养BC的社区意识和自豪感.  This year Homecoming will encompass athletic events, alumni activities, and residential/social experiences.  We are excited to welcome alumni back to campus, and engage students and community members in our traditions moving forward! For a detailed list of events please see below. 

October 23-28, 2023

Homecoming 2023

Monday, October 23

Spirit Station
2:00-4:00 pm | Campus Green/Stokes Lawn

来加入我们的斯托克斯草坪,装饰定制电子游戏软件的服装和装饰,为与康涅狄格大学的大型返校节比赛做好准备! There will be give aways, custom apparel, and free food!

Tuesday, October 24

Boston College Post-Grad Service Fair
Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 4:30-6:30 pm, Heights Room, RSVP

与30多个电子游戏正规平台生服务机构建立联系,提供国内外机会! Whether or not you were involved in service during your time here at BC, 毕业后有机会让你更深入地探索你对服务和司法问题的兴趣. Over the years, 数百名BC毕业生通过各种项目寻求全职服务. 探索你的激情,学习新技能,建立社区,为他人创造不同.

CAB Homecoming Fall Fan Fest
7:00-9:00 pm | Campus Green/Stokes Lawn

Wednesday, October 25

UGBC Project Life 
10:00 am-3:00 pm | Gasson Quad

Mind and Spirit Event
11:00 am - 1:00 pm | Academic Quad

学生健康中心和UGBC在周三举办了心灵和精神活动, October 25th from 11 - 1pm at the Academic Quad. 花时间关注你的心理健康,创造你自己的精神装备,享受有趣的食物和饮料! 

Best of the Nest
6:00 - 8:00 pm |  Resident Halls
每周三晚上6点到8点之间,每个堂社区都会装饰社区的一个显眼入口. Judges then visit each community and award the Best of the Nest prize.

Donor Recipient Match Speaker Event with Luke Keuchly
6:00-7:00 pm | Murray Function Room
The Project Life Movement will be facilitating a donor-recipient match meet-up. This event will be moderated by BC alum and former NFL player, Luke Kuechly '15. 

Thursday, October 26

UGBC Project Life Donor Recipient Match 
10:00 am-3:00 pm | Gasson Quad

Women's Soccer
7:00 p.m. | Chestnut Hill

CAB Haunted Lawn
8:00 pm-11:00 pm | Stokes Amphitheater
Homecoming and Halloween!? Ready for a night of frights? Lover of all things Halloween? 参加我们在斯托克斯圆形剧场的鬼屋来庆祝返校节和万圣节!

Climate Change Professional Dinner & Networking Night
Thursday, October 26 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in 245 Beacon, 5th Floor

参加这个免费的专业晚宴,与BC校友在专注于气候变化的职业中工作. Develop confidence in your communication skills and build lasting connections! Event attendance will be capped at 60 students. A $25 fee will be applied to any student who registers and no shows. Register on Handshake. Co-sponsored by the BC Career Center and the Schiller Institute. Dress Code: Business Casual

Little Women presented by BC Dramatics Society
7:30 p.m. | Bonn Studio Theater | Ticket Info
Jo March isn’t your typical Victorian lady. 她粗野任性,总有一天她会成为一名伟大的美国小说家. As she and her sisters grow up in the middle of the Civil War, they strive to be brave, intelligent, and imaginative young women. But as adulthood approaches, each sister must negotiate her private ambitions with society’s expectations. In a war-torn world defined by gender, class, and personal tragedy, Jo March gives us her greatest story: that of the March sisters, four dreamers destined to be imperfect little women.
(synopsis by Dramatists Play Service)

Men's Hockey vs Michigan State
7:00 p.m. | Chestnut Hill

Friday, October 27

Donuts with the Dean
9:00-11:00 a.m. | Maloney 450

Pop in and join the Office of the Dean of Students for donuts, conversation, and resources on your daily commute through the 4th floor of Maloney Hall!

Men's Hockey vs Michigan State
7:00 pm | Chestnut Hill

Sexual Chocolate presents Rookie Showcase
7:00 - 9:00 pm | Connell Center
我们很高兴地宣布第七届年度性感巧克力新秀展示将于周五举行, October 27th at 6:30pm in the Connell Recreation Center! Don't miss the rookie reveal from 15 dance teams!

Saturday, October 28

Homecoming Tailgate sponsored by Student Affairs
9:30 am | Outside of the Commonwealth Garage

BC Football Game vs. UCONN
12:00 pm | Chestnut Hill

Newton, MA


Congratulations to our 2023 Homecoming Court Nominees!

Each year,  BC seniors who best embody the mission, spirit, and values of Boston College are selected by a panel of University alumni, staff, faculty, and administrators.

2023 Homecoming Court

Jacqueline Carlson
Jacqueline Carlson
MCAS, Political Science and Communications
Jacqueline Carlson

Jacqueline Carlson

MCAS, Political Science and Communications

杰奎琳就读于莫里西文理学院,主修政治学和传播学. 杰奎琳是女子橄榄球队的活跃成员,并担任该团队的社交媒体和公共关系秘书. Jacqueline's favorite BC tradition is Mass of the Holy Spirit. 杰奎琳喜欢圣灵弥撒,因为这是她和BC社区反思一个人想要完成的事情和为即将到来的学年设定目标的时间.


Isiaah Clark
Isiaah Clark
MCAS, Political Science
Isiaah Clark

Isiaah Clark

MCAS, Political Science

Isiaah is a senior in the Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences majoring in Political Science. During his time at BC, Isiaah has been involved with the Thea Bowman AHANA & 作为学生大使,并担任BC大学住宿生活的住宿助理. Isaiah’s favorite tradition at Boston College is Pops on the Heights. 以赛亚相信“音乐有力量把各行各业的人聚集在一起, and share in a special moment that is unlike anything else.”


Audrey Frigon
Audrey Frigon
MCAS, Communications
Audrey Frigon

Audrey Frigon

MCAS, Communications


奥黛丽是莫里西艺术与科学学院的大四学生,主修传播学. During her time at BC, 奥黛丽担任the Women’s Network的主席,也是Wesner教授的商业法律和经济学的助教,以及George教授的法务会计的助教. Audrey’s favorite Boston College tradition is singing Mr. 因为BC的学生们互相拥抱,扯着嗓子一起唱! 


Eunice Ham
Eunice Ham
MCAS, Political Science and Philosophy
Eunice Ham

Eunice Ham

MCAS, Political Science and Philosophy

尤妮斯是莫里西文理学院政治科学和哲学专业的大四学生,参加了展望项目. 尤妮斯目前担任电子游戏软件韩国学生协会主席,也是麦吉利库迪-罗格电子游戏正规平台员. Eunice’s favorite tradition at Boston College is the Perspectives Program. “透视计划”要求尤妮斯解决一些难题,比如:“什么是最好的生活方式??” and “What is my vocation and calling?”

 Jonah Kotzen
Jonah Kotzen
MCAS, Biology and Classics
 Jonah Kotzen

Jonah Kotzen

MCAS, Biology and Classics


乔纳是莫里西文理学院的大四学生,主修生物学和古典文学双学位. 乔纳担任电子游戏软件本科生政府主席,并共同创立了阅读独立计划(BCP Reads)。, 通过培养孩子们对阅读的热爱和自力更生的能力来帮助那些得不到充分服务的孩子. 乔纳最喜欢的BC传统是马拉松星期一,因为这是整个BC社区聚集在一起庆祝波士顿马拉松选手的一天.



 Deyanna Mason
Deyanna Mason
CSON, Minor Psychology
 Deyanna Mason

Deyanna Mason

CSON, Minor Psychology

Deyanna is a senior in the Connell School of Nursing with a minor in Psychology. During her time at BC, Deyanna在CSON的“护理包容性领导的关键”(窑子)中担任同伴导师和教师指导者,并志愿担任北卡罗来纳大学护理推广项目的高年级学生演讲者. Deyanna’s favorite tradition at BC is the Rookie Showcase during the Fall. Although Deyanna is not involved in any dance groups on campus, 她喜欢看到她的同龄人通过舞蹈展示他们的才能,这拉近了社区的距离. 


Jordan Nakash
Jordan Nakash
MCAS, Economics and Communications
Jordan Nakash

Jordan Nakash

MCAS, Economics and Communications

Jordan is senior in the Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences double majoring in Economics and Communications. During her time at BC, 乔丹一直参与学生招生计划,并担任访问和外展以及导游和小组成员的联合主席. Jordan也是UniCycle Jamaica的联合创始人,这是一个校服回收倡议,其使命是收集少量使用的卡其布制服,并将其重新分配给有需要的学生! Jordan’s favorite BC tradition is the Red Bandana 5k Run! She loves seeing the school spirit and pride on campus that day!  

Victor Norman
Victor Norman
MCAS, Communications and Journalism
Victor Norman

Victor Norman

MCAS, Communications and Journalism

维克多是莫里西艺术与科学学院的大四学生,主修传播与新闻. During his time at BC, 维克多曾担任学术咨询中心的学术咨询电子游戏正规平台员,同时也是英国广播公司《电子游戏正规平台》的特约撰稿人. Victor’s favorite BC tradition is the Red Bandana Game. 维克多发现,不列颠哥伦比亚省的学生总是聚在一起纪念威尔斯和在9/11事件中丧生的男男女女.

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